Welcome to Transition Horsham!

Transition Horsham is a community group of local Horsham area residents who are concerned about the effects that climate change and other environmental and economic problems will have on our lives in the near and medium future. We support the ideas and practical solutions of the Transition Towns movement set up by Rob Hopkins in 2006 in Totnes, Devon, where people like us wanted to do something positive to build in flexibility and resilience to their community, so that we not only survive future changes, but thrive.

So Transition Horsham is all about building community networks, sharing and learning new skills. It is about cutting our carbon emissions through establishing new community based ways of producing energy and heating our houses efficiently, reducing our individual carbon footprint, recycling and reducing waste. It is about growing healthy local produce, encouraging local biodiversity through seed swaps, mending clothes and knitting, baking bread and making preserves, learning more through reading groups and film nights, having fun and travelling lightly.

We have a number of projects on the go, so look through the website, join us on Facebook, check out the events page, sign up to get notifications, and if you think there is something you could help with or want to start, then don't hesitate, come to an event and let us know. We look forward to getting to know you.

To find out more about the Transition idea, you can start here.

Horsham District Seed Circle 2022

Seed circles generally involve a group of friends or allotment holders, who each agree to grow and save seed of one sort of open pollinated vegetable – then swap. This seed circle is for anyone in Horsham District who wants to join, saving seed to bring to Seed Swap 2023.

We challenge you to grow with as little impact on the environment as possible, and with wildlife in mind, but also to enjoy growing together. If you want to join this community of growers, who range from complete beginners to people with considerable experience, email allotment@transitionhorsham.org.uk

We share tips and news by email. There is also a What’s App group which members may choose to join. And a regular meet up opportunity at the Sussex Green Hub, on the last Saturday of each month, in the United Reformed Church.

Further information can be found in the pdf document here.


Click here for a pdf copy of the Transition Horsham Constitution.

We are part of Transition Network
We work closely with

Horsham Organic Gardeners Society

We work closely with

Sussex Green Living

Upcoming Events

Seedy Saturday February 22nd 10am-2pm

United Reformed Church, Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG

If want to find out more about the Community Allotment or the Unitarian Wildlife Garden, or arrange to visit, please come and meet us at our regular stall at the Hub.

Recent Events

Regular Events

Sussex Green Hub

Transition Horsham has a stall each month at the Sussex Green Hub. Come and chat to us about growing, community energy and making your home more energy efficient.

Sussex Green Hub

Community Allotment

Ideal if you wish to have a go at growing your own vegetables but don’t want to commit to taking on a full allotment. Located on the Chesworth allotment site at the end of Arun Way. Working parties take place on two Saturdays per month, March to October, from 2 - 4 pm.

A description of the activity and achievements on the allotment during the difficult year of 2020 can be found here.

If you are interested in participating in the community allotment project, send an e-mail to allotment@transitionhorsham.org.uk. Chesworth allotment site is secure, so you will need to contact us if you wish to join one of the work parties, so we can let you on site.

Click here for information about the community allotment, details of work parties, and how to get involved.